Posari, Karjat, Raigad +91 7770049434 semsoffice1@gmail.com CBSE Board Affiliation No - 1131019

Vice Chairman's Message

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FROM THE Vice Chairman's DESK

Smt. Meena Mahendra Thorve
Education has been only accumulation of facts; it needs to prepare for life. The aim of our school is to promote a system of integral education in a pleasing child- friendly environment and treat each child is unique.

At Sundar English Medium School, priority is also given to the teaching of critical thinking skills such as reasoning and problem solving, to help our students develop the ability to reach sound conclusions based on observation and information.

Our school curricula also allows our teachers the flexibility to adopt innovative methods to stimulate interest and attention among the students to values the past, know present and understand the challenges of the future.

You would find a wealth of learning opportunities at Sundar English Medium School that would serve as an essential stepping stone to fulfilling life and career.

Get your admission now!
