School Calender In Diary
- Every student must possess a copy of the school calendar and it should be brought to the school dairy
and presented to the teacher as and when requested.
- Students must maintain the school calendar neatly. No fancy stickers may be stuck or pictures/designs
drawn in the school calendar.
- No student/parent may tamper with the remarks given in the calendar. All remarks must be promptly signed
by the parent.
- Parents may not write notes in the school calendar- Please use separate paper for any such purposes.
- In case the student looses the calendar, it must be promptly replaced with a new one. The calendar may
be purchased after an explicit written explanation by the parent is submitted to the
class teacher and duly counter signed by the class teacher.
- The Remarks / Observations in the school Diary must be signed by the parents failing which the students
will be given detention for the day.
- Children without the school diary will be detained for two periods.
Check School's Schedule